Project:  Ocean Floor Activity Guidelines

Project:   Ocean Floor Activity

**Project may be done as a team (2 people)!!
    --Choose your co-worker carefully, your grade depends on it!
**Each team will turn in one cross-section and one set of questions.
**Given questions and answers must be typed!
    --If you have a problem with this, please see me after class.

**Worth 50 Points Total**


1.  Draw a cross-section of the ocean floor.  Include:
2. Label Mid-Ocean Ridge.  Show where the magma would be located.
3.  Show where the continents would be on both sides of the Mid-Ocean Ridge.
4.  Label ages of continental & oceanic rocks.
5.  Label continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, abyssal plain.
6.  Label approximate depths of continental shelf & abyssal plain waters.
7.  Label the benthic, nektic & planktonic zones.
8.  Draw different types of animal life where you might find them.
9.  Answer the give questions in paragraph form.
-Be sure to type your answers!

Questions:  Ocean Floor Project

Answered as a team:
The following questions must be answered in paragraph form. You may need to write more than one paragraph to complete the question.  You may also want to draw pictures to help you explain but, you still need to write out the answer in paragraph form!!!

Essays:  7 points each

1.  How were the oceans formed?  Be specific.  It may help to draw a picture & write a detailed paragraph or two.
2.  Explain why the oldest oceanic crust is farthest away from the spreading center, or mid-ocean ridge.
3.  What is Pangaea?  What specific evidence is there that it existed?  
4.  Explain how paleomagnetic data is used to age the sea-floor.  How is this data used as evidence for seafloor spreading & continental drift?


© lbranch 2013