Anticlines & Synclines PowerPoint Notes


Anticlines & Synclines

Law of Horizontality....

When rock layers are deposited, they are deposited horizontally.
Look at the sand on the beach, its a horizontal surface!

Folds....From Compression!

During mountain building, flat-lying & volcanic rocks are often bent into wavelike undulations-- called folds!!
Most folds are the result of compressional stresses!
Think about the bend along San Andreas Fault & our local mountains!

Parts of a Fold...

Limbs: The two sides of a fold
Axis: A line drawn along the points of maximum curvature of each layer.
**The oil derricks off of Santa Barbara are located along the axis of an anticline!


  •  Anticline:Astructurein which the oldest strata (rock beds) are found in the center
  •  Anticlinesare commonly formed by the upfolding or arching of rock layers.


Syncline: A structure in which the youngest strata (rock beds) are found in the center
Synclines are commonly formed by the downfolds or troughs of rock layers.

Oil Traps

Oil/petroleum is collected between interconnected rock particles of sedimentary rocks (permeable rocks).
Liquids can flow through these spaces!!

Cap Rocks....

  •  3) Hydrocarbons & water move upward until they meet a layer of impermeable rock--a rock through which liquids cannot flow
  •  The impermeable layer is usually a shale & is called a cap rock

1)  As sedimentary rock becomes deeply buried under overlying sediments, pressure increases.

2)  This forces water & hydrocarbons out of pores & up through layers of permeable rock--to cap rock

Oil Traps....

4) Hydrocarbons that accumulate beneath the cap rock forms an oil reservoir by saturating all the spaces between the rock particles.

Oil Traps....

5) Petroleum is less dense than water. Therefore it will float on top of any trapped water.
Natural gas is less dense than petroleum. Therefore, if present, it will float on top of petroleum.

What will happen if the cap rock is fractured?


© lbranch 2013