Severe Weather….--Tornadoes & Hurricanes

Severe Weather.... --Tornadoes & Hurricanes


  •  Tornadoes are the most violent storms on the surface of the Earth.
  •  70% of all tornadoes on Earth occur in the Great Plains region of the United States.


  •  Air masses collide over tornado alley, causing rotation:
  •  Warm, moist air masses from the Gulf of Mexico
  •  fast-moving polar air masses from Canadian Rockies.


  •  Common in the late spring and early summer
  •  Low pressure systems, as are all storms
  •  Cause a lot of damage yet the majority average 200 meters in diameter & last less than 10 minutes.




Largest storms on Earth & the only storms which are named.

Different parts of the world have different names:
United States: Hurricanes
Indian Ocean: Cyclones
Western Pacific (Japan): Typhoons

Requirements for a hurricane:

Water temperature has to be at least 80°F in the upper 200 feet of water
Air Must be both warm & humid
Form in 5° to 20° latitude

FormaEon of Hurricanes:

  •  Warm water in the equatorial region needs to transfer energy
  •  Does so by evaporating water molecules into the atmosphere (water cycle)
  •  Winds start forming--
    **Counterclockwise in Northern Hemisphere
    **Clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere

                (Due to Coreolis Effect)

Wind Speed

Winds under 39 mph
Winds 39-74 mph
Winds over 74 mph

Storm Type

**Tropical Depression
 **Tropical Storm


  •  Hurricane will strengthen as long as it is over warm water!
  •  Once hurricane reaches land it weakens because there is no more heat energy from the warm water to fuel it!

Hurricane Damage....

90% of all deaths occur in the storm surge!

© lbranch 2013